10X Your Content With Frameworks

Mark Thompson
3 min readJul 11, 2024

Write The Same Article Ten Different Ways

Content can take many forms, and by using a framework, you can give existing content new life and present it in a new and unique way.

Below, I will give you ten different ways of approaching the same article.

Each of these frameworks can be used on new or existing articles.

To help me to demonstrate I will take an existing article and create an opening for it in 10 different styles.

Each should grab the reader's attention and be unique. This will also give you an idea of how to approach your future content.

From the opening, we can then expand into a full-length article, keeping the original style.

Use these ten styles as a framework for your content.

The original article is:

The article talks about how I grew my email subscribers to 4000 overnight with one simple piece of content.



Mark Thompson

Veteran Content Marketer, Keeping it Simple and Sharing What Works in my regular newsletter: https://substack.com/@simpleisprofit