How To Make Your Content Work

Mark Thompson
4 min readJun 24, 2024

Your Content Is The Gateway To The Lifestyle You Want

Image By Midjourney

Brace Yourself … someone’s content has upset me!

Your online business can open up many doorways and help you achieve all your goals, but you must approach them correctly.

Don’t be a ‘Yacht and Lambo’ content writer; be one who is authentic and relatable.

Here’s how.

Be Yourself

People don’t need another generic profile or automated ChatGPT response. Your audience wants to connect to YOU, not an offer or a sales page to YOU, and you must help make this happen.

Look around some of the accounts here on Medium, generic content that you could get in a short post on Facebook.

Articles that lack detail and are built on cliches like “Turn Up Everyday” with no further explanation.

If you are sat in a cafe with a friend, do you talk in cliches?

Is the limit of your conversation regurgitating other people’s content word for word?

I seriously doubt it is.

So it’s time to be yourself.

Tell Your Story

I want to read your story, I want to know about you.

