How & Why I Started Over

Mark Thompson
4 min readJan 8, 2024

Killing Off A Successful Business To Start Over Is Scary!

Photo by Diego Jimenez on Unsplash

3 years ago, I started over.

I closed my Online Business, deleted my social media accounts and started over.

It was scary. It was probably stupid but it turned out to be the best thing I’ve done for years.

Back in 2021, I had an Online Business that earned me over $100,000 a year.

Life was comfortable.

I lived in a large beautiful house with amazing views.

I drove a Porsche (it might have been a mid-life crisis thing!)

I played golf twice a week and we regularly ate out at some of the best restaurants in Marbella.

I hated my Business.

I was in that constant cycle of creating courses and selling them. Then creating another and starting the process all over again.

Business life was incredibly stressful and I was working up to 12 hours a day just to keep all the balls in the air and maintain the lifestyle we had.

It ended up with me in Hospital following a brain haemorrhage and a stroke.



Mark Thompson

Veteran Content Marketer, Keeping it Simple and Sharing What Works in my regular newsletter: