Lead Magnets Are So Last Year

Mark Thompson
3 min readJan 24, 2024

Is It Time To Drop Your Lead Magnets?

Photo by visuals on Unsplash

Do you still use a report as a lead magnet?

Does anyone even bother to read them?

What Is A Lead Magnet

For the purpose of this article, I will define a lead magnet as simply a short report designed to attract subscribers to your email list.

There are many types of lead magnets, such as checklists and templates, that may still have value, but as for reports, I believe their time has come and gone.

I’ve used reports as lead magnets for years and they can generate a good income, I was averaging $6 per subscriber on one of the last ones I gave away.

But later, when I asked if people had read it, many hadn’t. It was just taking up space on thier hard drive.

What did get them to buy my offer was my email sequence and the fact that I didn’t try to sell to them.

I know that doesn’t make sense if you aren’t aware of how I use email sequences, so check out this series of articles https://seriousmarketersonly.medium.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-building-and-monetizing-an-email-list-a-14-day-journey-bc66442ee8ff?sk=64f862e5c86b5dc02c6f64be73ca5047

Why Lead Magnets Are A Waste of Time



Mark Thompson

Veteran Content Marketer, Keeping it Simple and Sharing What Works in my regular newsletter: https://substack.com/@simpleisprofit