Member-only story
Online Marketing Should Be Easy
You Can Make This Easy Or Hard… Your Call
So, you wanna do it the hard way or the easy way?
You need just three processes to build an online business, there is no need to complicate this.
You can do this with processes 1 and 3, but 2 makes everything much better.
Start with process one, keep doing that until it’s a habit you enjoy doing, then move to Process three, and finally add process 2 to make everything run smoother.
Shall we dive into this?
Process One: Build An Audience Through Content
Write content every week and put it out there. You are in the right place to do this!
Your content should provide sound, easy-to-follow advice. Sprinkle in a few stories or anecdotes (remind me to tell you about my friend who helped launder money for the Vatican!) and be entertaining.
Your content should help readers achieve their goals and dreams, so look at each piece and ask yourself, ” If someone…