Transform Your Content with Strategic Cultural References

Mark Thompson
4 min readJul 17, 2024

It’s so simple I’m surprised more people don’t use it.

If I told you that adding a few “special phrases” to your content would improve your engagement and help you build an audience of fans, would you try it?

Use cultural references in your content.

I assure you this isn’t creepy or kookie, and it works.

I first discovered this years ago when I was emailing daily. If I added a cultural reference to my content, I got more replies and clicks. I still use it today in my content.

It gives a sort of secret society vibe and an “if you know, you know feel”

So far this week, I’ve added Spice Girl references and a repeated line from Blackadder; if you want to know if they work, check out some of the comments in yesterday's post from people who picked up on the reference.

Cultural references are a way of talking to a small section of your audience and showing that you are just like them. That helps you to build a connection that transcends…



Mark Thompson

Veteran Content Marketer, Keeping it Simple and Sharing What Works in my regular newsletter: