Write Content That Makes A Difference
Plan Your Content To Succeed
If you want your content to make a difference to both you and your readers lives, you can’t just site down and write content without thought and planning.
I know because that was what I used to do, I was even proud of my ability to create vacuous content in a few minutes, with no thought for outcomes or my readers… and for that, I am eternally ashamed.
Luckily, I soon realised that writing content that genuinely focused on helping the reader achieve their goals was a much better way of using my ability to create content.
Here is what I now do for every piece of content.
Step 1: The Basics
The first thing you need to do is to get the basics in place. What is the desired outcome of the content you are writing?
If it doesn’t have a defined outcome, ditch the idea until it has.
The outcome can be for someone to take an action, move forward on their journey, get some important advice that will help them, click a link, buy a product, get on a list, etc.
If you don’t have an outcome for every piece of content, you are doing a disservice to your reader and to yourself.
When you’ve defined the outcome, pencil in the…